4 Steps to Using Your Heat Pump More Efficiently in Taylorville, IL

Your heat pump in Taylorville, IL, deserves care and attention. In turn, it’ll save you money on your monthly energy bill and keep your house feeling comfortable. Read on to learn if you’re using your heat pump efficiently and how to do so.

Change the Heat Pump’s Air Filter

The filter in your return vent captures dirt and debris, which could otherwise wreak havoc inside the air handler, but it’ll need replacing after 30 to 90 days. Make sure to do this so that the air flows smoothly and puts minimum pressure on the blower motor. You could also check to see that you’re not blocking your supply vents with things like rugs or furniture.

Clean Around the Outdoor Compressor

Both the air handler and the compressor need to be clean for efficient heat transfer to the outside. Only a professional should do a complete compressor cleaning, but you can at least clean the outside grille. This part can get clogged with everything from leaves and dead insects to dryer lint.

Use Your Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat can let you cool your home only when it’s occupied, so make the most of this feature. We also encourage you to experiment with the set point. The higher you set it, the more energy you save. If you don’t already have a programmable thermostat, consider making this investment for greater energy savings.

Request Regular Heat Pump Maintenance

Maintenance can often improve energy efficiency because it’ll eliminate various issues hindering airflow and proper operation; for example, out-of-balance parts and dirt buildup on the evaporator coils.

Yard Heating & Cooling can maintain and repair your heat pump at a time that works for you. Though we’re a Trane Comfort Specialist, we service all makes and models of ducted and ductless heat pumps. Contact us today to take advantage of our 24-hour emergency availability.

Image provided by iStock

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